Starry Night This Week

Each week most PBS stations air "Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer", the world's first and only weekly TV series on naked-eye astronomy. The Starry Night images on this page illustrate the show for the week of Monday June 22, 2009. You can view the complete show script, or watch a RealPlayer video of the show.

The Wonderful Stars Of Summer
And How To Find Them

In the north and northwest between sunset and midnight, northern hemisphere observers can use the Big Dipper to "arc to Arcturus" and "speed to Spica". Leo can be seen plunging to the western horizon.

In the south, the Teapot of Sagittarius and the Fishhook of Scorpius ride their highest around midnight. The three bright stars of the Summer Triangle -- Altair, Vega, and Deneb -- are already well up in the southeast.