Starry Night This Week

Each week most PBS stations air "Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer", the world's first and only weekly TV series on naked-eye astronomy. The Starry Night images on this page illustrate the show for the week of Monday December 1, 2008. You can view the complete show script, or watch a RealPlayer video of the show.

Get Ready For The Largest And Closest Full Moon Of 2008
Followed By The Largest And Closest Full Moon Of 2009

Venus and Jupiter will meet the crescent Moon tonight in the west after sunset.

In a little less than two weeks, on December 12, the Moon will be full and rising just after sunset, plus it will be closer to Earth than it has been in any other full phase this year. The result is that it will be big, bright, and very obvious. This full Moon is sometimes referred to as the Moon Before Yule, or the Long Night's Moon given its proximity to the winter solstice.