Starry Night This Week

Each week most PBS stations air "Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer", the world's first and only weekly TV series on naked-eye astronomy. The Starry Night images on this page illustrate the show for the week of Monday March 4, 2002. You can view the complete show script, or watch a RealPlayer video of the show.

Venus Returns For St. Patrick's Day and Getting Ready For The Great Planetary Lineup

Mars lingers above a crescent Moon, while Venus begins to climb out of the evening twilight in preparation for a great Five-Planet lineup in April. Look for Venus as it shines brightly low in the West at sunset.

On the 19th the Moon is just below the ringed planet Saturn and the bright red star Aldebaran. The Pleides, a young open cluster 400 light years away, joins the trio to the right.