Starry Night Pro FAQ

This FAQ answers questions about Starry Night Pro. If you have a different version of Starry Night, please return to the technical support page and select the FAQ for the appropriate version of Starry Night.

If you want to know what features are in Starry Night Pro, or how it compares with other versions of Starry Night, please go to the Starry Night Pro features page.

Information about the multimedia program QuickTime needed to run Starry Night

Registration Number
Questions about the Starry Night Pro registration number

Installation Problems
Installing Starry Night Pro on your computer

Where to turn for more help with the program

Updating to the latest version of Starry Night Pro, or upgrading from/to another version of Starry Night

General Run-Time Problems
Problems with the way the program runs

Time & Date
Time zones, daylight savings time, sunrise/sunset times, eclipse times, etc.

Viewing Location
Setting or changing your home location or your viewing location, to places on and off the earth. Includes editing the horizon for your hom
e location

LiveSky & Digitized Sky Survey
Starry Night's interactive Internet features

Printing & Making Movies
Printing star charts and making QuickTime animation sequences

Controlling your telescope with Starry Night Pro

Constellations & The Zodiac
Finding your birth sign, seeing the sun on the Vernal Equinox

Solar System Bodies
Planets, moons, comets, satellites, and asteroids

Information on the star data in Starry Night

Extra Databases
Additional databases which you can add to Starry Night Pro


Still confused?
Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions that haven't been answered here. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions.